
Yes, this is indeed a blog post about coffee. It’s such a crucial part of my existence that, if Earth’s caffeine resources were to suddenly deplete, I would rather choose a terrible fate for myself than substitute it with an alternative.

There’s an espresso machine at my workplace which occasionally breaks down and causes mass panic in my body’s metabolic system. I’m heavily considering buying a Nespresso machine to keep me sane on the weekends.

One of the first things I do when I land in a new city is go exploring on foot for the best coffeeshops in town, especially the ones with an indie vibe and a local feel. My favorites are the ones that combine bookstores into the coffeeshop — such as Trident in Boston.

I roll cold brew in the summer and café au lait in the winter. Adventurous days call for exotic pourover coffee and bland ones yield to flat espressos. I’m all for exploring new flavors and combinations.

My coffee obsession has gotten to the point that I order coffee-flavored bubble tea every time. Most of the bubble tea shops in Chinatown actually know my usual order and have it ready when I walk in.

Coffee or mocha flavored ice-cream/frozen yogurt is another favorite. It’s never too much and I always want more. Honestly, coffee-flavored anything sounds pretty great.

I’m even considering trekking down to South America or far north into some of Scandinavia’s coffee shops because of all the great things I’ve heard about them.

If there’s one thing in the world I don’t mind spending an extra few dollars on, it’s definitely coffee. It combines instant gratification with a delicious aftertaste that lingers for hours. #Coffee.